Discover a Class for YOU

flow yoga

Dynamic movement tied to the breath. We move with the concept of flow. A dance like practice that ties the mind, body and spirit. 

yoga for all (all levels)

A class that will ease newer students while catering to the advanced practitioner.

Starting with warm ups and building into a significant poses with dynamic movement. We will offer modifications to meet the newer students and progressions for the advanced to move forward with if they choose.

This class will end with a sweet cool down to easy the body and mind.

beginner / discover yoga

We know how intimidating yoga can be. In this class, the hardest part is showing up.

This is a class dedicated to new students; a true beginner flow. Linking the breath to movement but taking time to breakdown the shapes to give you a better understanding of what your body should be doing.

Come discover your practice.

slow / gentle yoga

A practice that gives you life and longevity, something you can do no matter your body type or age.

Move slow, with the breath, and do the shapes that help us feel good in our everyday movements (where most injury occurs), while using props and gentle guidance to meet your need so you can practice yoga for life.